Next EvolVienna meeting
March 5, 2025
It is our pleasure to announce our next evolVienna meeting on Wednesday, 5th of March 2025, from 13:00-17:30 in Seminar Room G in the Moonstone building at ISTA (Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Maria Gugging). This meeting will be held in hybrid format. We are planning an afternoon with great speakers from various institutes in and around Vienna.
Registration link (with additional details regarding the event):
Please register by February 14, 2025.
13:00-13:30 Nick Barton (ISTA)
Do genes matter?
13:30-14:00 Georg Brenneis (Univ. of Vienna, Dept. of Evolutionary Biology, Wanninger group)
Nobody sucks like a no-body! – Using an evo-devo approach to decipher the unique body plan of sea spiders
14:00-14:30 Sonja Lecic (BOKU Univ., Dept. of Ecosystem Mgmt., Climate and Biodiversity, Wolf group)
The dynamics of Wolbachia spread in the European cherry fruit fly
Break 1: Coffee, drinks and nibbles will be provided.
15:00-15:30 Mihaela Pavlicev (Univ. of Vienna, Dept. of Evolutionary Biology)
The effect of GP map structure on evolvability
15:30-16:00 Tejashwini Hegde (VetMedUni, Schlötterer group)
Adaptation to larval crowding in Drosophila simulans
16:00-16:30 Leopold Eckhart (MedUni, Dept. of Dermatology)
Evolution of skin appendages in vertebrates
Break 2: Coffee, drinks and nibbles will be provided.
17:00-17:30 Martin Kuhlwilm (Univ. of Vienna, Dept. of Anthropology)
Patterns of archaic admixture in humans and great ape
17:30-18:00 Carolina Barata (ISTA, Vicoso group)
Is most sex-biased gene expression adaptive?
18:00 Pub at ISTA (Central Building below the Error Bar, we have reserved ca. 60 seats)
Further information regarding the event can be found in the registration form (see link above).
If you have questions, please contact a member of the organizing team.
We thank the speakers for their contributions and Nick Barton for hosting the event at ISTA.
The organizing team:
Benjamin Wölfl (ISTA)
Amin Ghane (Uni Wien),
Dagný Thorhölludottir (Vetmeduni)
Elizaveta Grigoreva (GMI)